Friday, September 02, 2005


I have to say that right now, at this very minute, there is nothing more important this....

"Lord, hold the people of New Orleans in your loving hands. Protect them in their time of need and bring an end to their suffering. .. Bless them and their families. And Lord, for those that have not received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, I ask that ministering angels be disbursed and the Holy Spirit is released to draw them to a personal relationship with You for their soul's sake. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen."

I received this as a chain email today and figured I coud spread it best through my blog. My thoughts and my prayers are with those people. As I walked around today buying supplies for school and post cards to connect to friends, I thought of the thousands of people who have nothing right now. If you are in a position to make a donation, do it. This tragedy or a similar one could have happened in your state or city.

To my girl Jiggy, who's aunt right now is unaccounted for in N.O., I remain in constant prayer for her, for you, and for your family.

This morning I listened to New Orleans' mayor Ray Nagin on in a radio interview, and urge everyone to do the same. He is frustrated, and rightfully so, with the delayed response in aid to N.O. The man was in tears by the end of the interview. Maybe the rest of the nation didn't realize the severity of the issue. But G.W. should have put that big ass plane he's cruising around in on the ground in N.O. and picked some of those people up and helped take them to safety. And the airlines really should consider the same.

That's just my thought.


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